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Budgeting doesn’t have to be a nightmare—in fact the more simple tools you use the more clarity you gain with your finances.
Over the last year, I have been tracking incomes, expenses, staying on budget & planning for the future.
Well, today, I’m releasing a Notion Template called SMART BUDGET.
Mint is going away 😥 (if you didn’t hear the announcement) this week! Don’t be left out!
All year long, I have been tracking my budget using my Notion template. After 1 year, I can tell you where my money 💵 goes, where I need to spend my money 👛 first, what I need to stop 🛑 doing. So much more clarity in my finances. 🥰
Today, I’ve decided to share my Notion template w/ you all, so you can track your incomes, expenses, stay on budget & plan for your future.
Give it a try! Super affordable only $7 — for a limited time.
You buy the template, you get a PDF with the link. You duplicate the template & fill out with your data. All so easy!
How it works:
1. You purchase this digital product.
2. You get a PDF that contains the link to download.
3. You duplicate the Notion template and fill out with your data (aka your incomes and expenses).